Find the elapsed time- 4:15 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

A.6h 45 min***
B.5h 45 min
C.5h 15 min
Pls check my work

Here's the answers to the whole test/quiz

1) B
2) A
3) C
4) A
5) A
100% for Connexus

5) B

sorry I was looking at wrong question on a different quiz!

Here's the answers to the whole test/quiz

1) B
2) A
3) C
4) A
5) B

Idk if that’s right ugh πŸ˜‘

Unit 6 Lesson 10: Adding and Subtracting Fractions Review Practice: These Answers are 100% I swear. :)

Find the elapsed time.
1. 4:15 pm to 10:00 pm
Answer: 5 h 45 minutes

2. 3:45 am to 12:00 pm
Answer: 8 h 15 minutes

3. 1:12 pm to 8:11 pm
Answer: 6 h 59 minutes

4. 2:37 am to 3:14 am
Answer: 37 minutes

5. 11:59 am 1:01 pm
Answer: 1 h 2 minutes

4 TO 10 is 6 hours

we want 15 min less
5 hours and 45 minutes

THANK YOU!!!!πŸ˜„ "Lolbit" IS RIGHT!!

"Mrs. Jay" we are not cheating, well at least I am not. Lots of kids DON'T cheat on this website so stop assuming we do!! We are making sure our answers are correct!! ALSO I saw that Mr. Little wanted to see you yesterday so you might want to go to that.. hopefully nothing bad.

his right

Ha the guy with the name Lolbit reminded me of someone from an anime called akame-ga-kill