Each of t h e s c e n a r i o s below represents a unit rate that is either greater than two or less than two dread each s c e n a r i o into the box under its correct classification according to the unit rate unit rate less than two unit rate greater than two c a m e n d can run 1/2 mi in 1/8 of an hour determine the miles per hour g e n e s i s can Bill 1/4 of a meter of fence in 1/5 of an hour determine the meter per rate i a n can type 1/3 of a page in 3/4 of a meeting determine the page for many a b i g a i l can finish 1/3 of water bottle in 1/8 of a school day determine the water bottles per day

Unit rate less than two:

- Abigail can finish 1/3 of a water bottle in 1/8 of a school day

Unit rate greater than two:
- Cameron can run 1/2 mile in 1/8 of an hour
- Genesis can build 1/4 of a meter of fence in 1/5 of an hour
- Ian can type 1/3 of a page in 3/4 of an hour