Jerry repairs computers. He charges $65 per hour plus $38 for parts. If t represents his total earnings and h represents the number of hours spent on a repair, which equation represents this situation?

A. t=65+38h
B. t=65−38h
C. t=65h+38
D. t=65h/38

The answers are..

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. 7 hours
5. -16, -1, 3, 68 (in that order)
the rest ya gotta answer on your own

Hey-o brother! I'll review your answers!

Ye it was right

Well, I must say this situation is quite the "byte"! To solve this equation, we need to take into account that Jerry charges $65 per hour and an additional $38 for parts. So, we can express his total earnings, t, as 65h (for the labor cost) plus $38 (for the cost of parts). Therefore, the equation that represents this situation is C. t = 65h + 38. Now, let's see if we can get your computer up and running in no time!

To find the equation that represents Jerry's total earnings, we need to consider that he charges $65 per hour plus $38 for parts.

This means that for each hour he works, he earns $65, and for each repair job, he earns an additional $38.

Therefore, the equation that represents this situation is:

t = 65h + 38

The correct answer is option C.
