Write a full narrative about Jesus Christ with dialogue

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago. He was the son of a carpenter named Joseph and his mother Mary, who was a virgin. From a young age, Jesus displayed wisdom and compassion beyond his years.

One day, as Jesus was preaching to a crowd of people in Judea, a group of religious leaders approached him. They asked him, "Are you the Son of God, the Messiah that has been foretold in the scriptures?"

Jesus looked at them with calm eyes and replied, "I am he."

The religious leaders were taken aback by his bold claim. They questioned him further, "How can you claim to be the Son of God when you are just a mere man?"

Jesus smiled and said, "I am the Son of God because my Father in heaven has sent me to bring salvation to all who believe in me."

The religious leaders were skeptical of Jesus' words, but many in the crowd were captivated by his words and teachings. They were drawn to his message of love, forgiveness, and redemption.

As Jesus continued to preach, he performed miracles and healed the sick. People from all walks of life came to him seeking solace and guidance. His disciples, who had followed him from the beginning, were amazed by his ability to heal and comfort those in need.

One day, Jesus gathered his disciples and told them, "I must go to Jerusalem to fulfill the prophecy of my Father. I will be betrayed, crucified, and on the third day, I will rise again."

His disciples were shocked and saddened by his words. They could not understand why their beloved teacher would have to suffer such a fate.

As Jesus made his way to Jerusalem, the crowds followed him, shouting praises and laying down palm branches in his path. But soon, the religious leaders conspired against him, accusing him of blasphemy and inciting rebellion.

Despite the false accusations and the betrayal of one of his disciples, Jesus remained steadfast in his mission. He was crucified on a cross, alongside two criminals. As he hung there, bloodied and broken, he cried out, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

On the third day after his death, Jesus rose from the dead, fulfilling the prophecy and proving once and for all that he was the Son of God. His disciples were overjoyed and spread the good news of his resurrection far and wide.

From that day on, Jesus Christ became a symbol of hope, love, and salvation for millions of people around the world. His teachings continue to inspire and guide those who seek to live a life of faith and kindness. And though he may no longer walk among us in the flesh, his presence is felt in the hearts of all who believe in him.