Write a simple one sentence reasoning for the following:

Push Pull factors is one area that affected immigrants and other Americans in the late 19th and early 20th century. According to Document E: Excerpt from Working in a Sweatshop it one push factor stated that "They left Poland after her father died and the grocery store that had supported them failed." One pull factor that brought Sadie and her family to America was economic opportunity. This forced them to seek a better life in America where she could find a job to support herself. Also, according to Document B: Excerpt from The Promised Land by Mary Antin, 1912, one push factor stated that, "We had hardly money enough to last us through the voyage for which we had hoped and waited for three long years." One pull factor stated that "It was the one thing that he was able to promise us when he sent for us; surer, safer than bread or shelter."

Push factors such as economic hardship and lack of support in their home countries, combined with pull factors like promises of economic opportunity and stability, influenced immigrants to seek better lives in America during the late 19th and early 20th century.