Solve the following problem using cross-multiplication. Ja’Quin draws a picture of a horse that measures 7 inches by 4 inches. He increases the size of the picture on a photocopier so that its new width is 6 inches. What is the new length of the picture? Round to the nearest tenth.

1.5 inches
1.2 inches
10.5 inches
42.0 inches

To solve this problem using cross-multiplication, we set up the following equation:

7/4 = 6/x

Cross-multiplying, we get:

7x = 24

Dividing both sides by 7, we get:

x = 24/7

x ≈ 3.4

Therefore, the new length of the picture is approximately 3.4 inches. Rounded to the nearest tenth, the new length is 3.4 inches.