Instances where diversity was present in the movie like stars on earth

1. The protagonist of the film, Ishaan, is a young boy with dyslexia, highlighting a different ability and mental health diversity.

2. The school in which Ishaan gets admitted to is shown to have students from different cultural backgrounds and a range of academic abilities, showcasing diversity in terms of nationality and learning styles.
3. Ishaan's art teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, comes from a lower socio-economic background, showcasing diversity in terms of social class.
4. Various supporting characters in the film, such as Ishaan's family members, teachers, and classmates, are portrayed as having their own unique personalities and perspectives, adding diversity in terms of individual experiences and viewpoints.
5. The film's message of celebrating differences and the importance of empathy and understanding towards individuals facing challenges due to their differences emphasizes the value of diversity in society.