What are disturbed databases? What are the advantages of distributed database

A distributed database is a database in which storage devices are not all attached to a common processing unit such as the CPU, and are decentralized across different locations and connected by a network.

Advantages of distributed databases include:

1. Improved data availability: With data distributed across multiple locations, if one location goes down, data can still be accessed from other locations, ensuring high availability.

2. Enhanced scalability: Distributed databases can easily scale out by adding more servers or storage devices without the need for major system overhauls.

3. Increased performance: By distributing data and processing across multiple nodes, distributed databases can improve performance by distributing the workload and reducing bottlenecks.

4. Disaster recovery: Distributed databases offer better disaster recovery options as data redundancy can be built in with copies of data distributed across different locations.

5. Localized data storage: With data distributed across multiple locations, distributed databases can store data closer to where it is used, reducing latency and improving response times.

6. Cost-effectiveness: Distributed databases can help reduce costs by allowing for more efficient use of resources and enabling organizations to utilize existing hardware and network infrastructure.

Overall, distributed databases offer greater reliability, scalability, performance, and flexibility compared to centralized databases.