Triangle upper A upper B upper C has each of the interior angles by its vertices labeled with singular arcs. Side upper A upper B is labeled c, side upper A upper C is labeled b, and side upper B upper C is labeled a.

The length of side c is 21 inches. If angle C
is 47 degrees and angle A
is 22 degrees, use the Law of Sines to find the length of side a. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of an inch.

(1 point)

To find the length of side a, we can use the Law of Sines, which states:

a/sin(A) = c/sin(C)

Substitute the known values:

a/sin(22) = 21/sin(47)

a = 21 * sin(22) / sin(47)
a = 9.7 inches

Therefore, the length of side a is 9.7 inches.