1.Joshua's goal is to sell more than 20 items at a farmers' market. So far, he has sold 6 items. Each customer buys 2 items.

Let c represent the number of additional customers Joshua must have to meet his goal.

Drag and drop the answer into the box to correctly complete the statement.
Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
Joshua needs to have more than Response area additional customers to meet his goal.

A. 3 B.7 C.8 D.14

2.Cassidy's goal is to raise more than $75 for charity. She has already raised $6. Now she is selling cupcakes for $3 each to reach her goal.

Let c represent the number of cupcakes Cassidy needs to sell to reach her goal.

Select True or False for each statement.
Statement True False
Cassidy will need to sell any number of cupcakes greater than 12 to reach her goal.
True or false – Cassidy will need to sell any number of cupcakes greater than 12 to reach her goal.
False or true – Cassidy will need to sell any number of cupcakes greater than 12 to reach her goal.
Cassidy will need to sell any number of cupcakes greater than 23 to reach her goal.

3.The owner of a new restaurant wants to have seating for more than 68 people. There is currently a private chef's table that seats 2 people. The owner plans to buy m tables that each seat 4 people.

Which inequality can be used to represent the situation?


A. 4(m+2)>68
4 left parenthesis m plus 2 right parenthesis greater than 68

B. 4m+2>68
4 m plus 2 greater than 68

C. 2(m+4)>68
2 left parenthesis m plus 4 right parenthesis greater than 68

D. 2m+4>68
2 m plus 4 greater than 68

4. Marisol is preparing a care package to send to her brother. The package will include a board game that weighs 4 lb and several 14 lb snack packs. The total weight of the care package must be less than 25 lb.

Which statement describes the solution to this inequality?

Drag and drop the answer into the box.

A. Marisol must send less than 1 snack pack

B. Marisol must send fewer than 21 snack packs

C. Marisol must send fewer than 84 snack packs

D. Marisol must send fewer than 100 snack packs

5. A carpenter has less than 120 minutes to spend painting furniture each day. Today, he has spent 30.5 minutes painting a desk. Now he will paint x chairs, each of which takes 12.5 minutes.

What is the maximum number of chairs the carpenter can paint?

A. 7 chairs

B. 8 chairs

C. 12 chairs

D. 13 chairs

1. Joshua needs to have more than B. 7 additional customers to meet his goal.

2. False, True. Cassidy will need to sell any number of cupcakes greater than 12, but not greater than 23, to reach her goal.

3. A. 4(m+2)>68 (4(m+2) is greater than 68)

4. B. Marisol must send fewer than 21 snack packs

5. C. 12 chairs