The lakewood baseball team is selling T-shirts for a fundraiser. the shirts cost $100 for the printing design and setup, plus $10 per shirt. the team is going to sell the shirts for 415 each. How many shirts do they need to sell to break even

To break even, the total revenue from selling shirts must cover the initial cost of $100 for the printing design and setup plus the variable cost of $10 per shirt.

Let x be the number of shirts sold.

The total cost to produce x shirts is 100 + 10x.

The total revenue from selling x shirts is 15x, since each shirt is sold for $15.

To break even, the total cost must equal the total revenue. Therefore:

100 + 10x = 15x

100 = 5x

x = 20

Therefore, the team needs to sell 20 shirts to break even.