Discuss the stages of moral development of young children and the type of support adults should

provide to them during each stage in view of Prakash, focusing on ages 0-one year; one to three
years and four to five years.
include the refences

The stages of moral development in young children, as outlined by psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, can be roughly categorized into three age groups: 0-1 year, 1-3 years, and 4-5 years.

In the first stage, from birth to 1 year, children are developing trust and learning about dependability. During this stage, adults should provide a secure and nurturing environment for the child, responding promptly to their needs and forming a strong attachment with them. This will help the child develop a sense of trust in others and the world around them, laying the foundation for future moral development.

In the second stage, from 1 to 3 years, children are exploring their independence and learning about right and wrong. Adults should support them by setting clear and consistent boundaries, providing positive reinforcement for good behavior, and gently guiding them towards understanding the consequences of their actions. This stage is crucial for the development of empathy and understanding towards others.

In the third stage, from 4 to 5 years, children begin to understand the concept of rules and fairness. Adults should help them navigate this stage by modeling positive behavior, encouraging cooperation and sharing, and teaching them about the importance of empathy and consideration for others. This is a critical period for the development of conscience and moral reasoning.

Prakash (2011) emphasizes the importance of providing a supportive and nurturing environment for children during each stage of moral development. By offering love, guidance, and positive reinforcement, adults can help young children develop a strong moral compass and grow into empathetic and responsible individuals.

Prakash, S. (2011). Early childhood development. New Delhi: New Age International.