Does the following table of values represent an exponential function? If it does, what is the common factor?

x −2 0 2
y 2 18 162(1 point)

Yes, the growth rate is 9.
Yes, the growth rate is 9 .

No, the table does not describe an exponential function.
No, the table does not describe an exponential function.

Yes, the growth factor is 16.
Yes, the growth factor is 16 .

Yes, the growth factor is 3.

Yes, the growth rate is 9.

To determine if a table of values represents an exponential function, we can check if the ratio of y values for consecutive x values remains constant. In this case, when x goes from -2 to 0, y goes from 2 to 18, which is a factor of 9 increase. Similarly, when x goes from 0 to 2, y goes from 18 to 162, which is also a factor of 9 increase. Therefore, the common factor in this exponential function is 9.