You need eyedrops for your dry ice you brought only a few dollars with you to the store which is the best method of choosing the right eyedrops to buy for your soft contact lenses

1. Look for eye drops specifically designed for soft contact lenses: Choose eye drops that are specifically formulated for use with soft contact lenses. These drops are often labeled as "contact lens friendly" or "gentle on soft lenses."

2. Check the ingredients: Make sure the eye drops do not contain any ingredients that may damage or degrade soft contact lenses. Look for drops that are preservative-free or contain preservatives that are safe for use with contact lenses.

3. Consult with the store pharmacist or optometrist: If you are unsure which eye drops are safe to use with your soft contact lenses, ask the store pharmacist or optometrist for recommendations. They can provide guidance on the best products to use.

4. Read customer reviews: Before making a purchase, check online reviews or ask for recommendations from friends or family members who wear soft contact lenses. They may have insights on which eye drops work best for their lenses.

5. Price comparison: Compare the prices of different eye drops to ensure you are getting the best value for your money. Keep in mind that cheaper options may not always be the best choice for your soft contact lenses.