You need eyedrops for your dry eyes you brought only a few dollars with you to the store which is the best method of choosing the right eyedrops to buy for your soft contact lenses

When choosing eyedrops for your soft contact lenses, it is important to look for specific drops that are safe to use with contacts. Here are some tips for selecting the right eyedrops within your budget:

1. Look for "contact lens friendly" or "contact lens compatible" on the packaging. This indicates that the eyedrops are safe to use with contacts.

2. Consider purchasing artificial tears, which are mild and designed for lubricating dry eyes. Make sure to choose a formula that is compatible with soft contact lenses.

3. If you have a specific brand of contact lens solution that you trust, check to see if they also offer eyedrops for dry eyes. This can help ensure compatibility with your lenses.

4. Ask the store pharmacist for recommendations on affordable eyedrops that are safe for use with soft contact lenses.

Remember, it is always best to consult with your eye doctor for personalized recommendations on eyedrops for your individual needs.