How is national identity changing in Africa?

National identity continues to evolve, as previously marginalized people are being forced out of the government and mainstream society.

National identity continues to evolve as previously marginalized people are being integrated into the government and mainstream society.

National identity remains the same, even though previously marginalized people are being integrated into the government and mainstream society.

National identity is being hindered as previously marginalized people are being integrated into the government and mainstream society.

The answer to this question may vary depending on the specific country and context within Africa. However, in many African countries, national identity is changing as previously marginalized groups are gaining more representation in government and society. This can lead to a more inclusive and diverse national identity that reflects the country's cultural richness and history.

On the other hand, there may be instances where the integration of marginalized groups into government and society is hindered, which could potentially impact national identity. Overall, the evolution of national identity in Africa is a complex process shaped by various social, political, and economic factors.