“LXV [Once, I knew a fine song]” by Stephen Crane

Once, I knew a fine song,
—It is true, believe me,—
It was all of birds,
And I held them in a basket;
When I opened the wicket,
Heavens! They all flew away.
I cried, “Come back, little thoughts!”
But they only laughed.
They flew on
Until they were as sand
Thrown between me and the sky.

Question Use the poem to answer the question. If this poem were written in a closed form, how might it be different? (1 point)

The tone would be more formal.
There would be a stronger rhyme scheme.
There would be more use of poetic devices.
The poet would not use first-person references.
The parallels between form and subject would decrease.

If this poem were written in a closed form, there would likely be a stronger rhyme scheme and more structured stanzas. The use of poetic devices may also be more prevalent, as the form would require more attention to detail. Additionally, the tone may become more formal and the first-person references could be minimized. The parallels between form and subject may decrease as the poem becomes more focused on adhering to the specific structure of the closed form.