Examples of culture as praxis

1. Participating in traditional dances or rituals as a way to honor and preserve cultural heritage.

2. Creating art, music, or literature that reflects and challenges societal norms and values.
3. Organizing community events and celebrations that promote cultural unity and identity.
4. Advocating for social justice and equality through cultural expressions such as protests, storytelling, or performance.
5. Using traditional healing practices and knowledge to improve health and well-being within a community.
6. Collaborating with other cultural groups to exchange ideas, knowledge, and experiences in order to promote understanding and respect.
7. Using language as a tool for cultural expression and resistance against cultural assimilation or erasure.
8. Teaching cultural traditions, beliefs, and practices to younger generations in order to ensure their preservation and continuation.
9. Supporting and promoting local artisans, craftspeople, and businesses that are integral to a community's cultural identity.
10. Engaging in cultural exchange programs, workshops, or residencies to learn from and connect with other cultures.