Draw the following diagrams:quadrilateral ABCD inscribed in circle E. The mAB=54 degrees, mBC=115 degrees, and mCD=86 degrees. select the true statement m∠B=95.5,mAD=115 degrees, mADC=84.5 degrees, or m∠D=169

I'm sorry, but I cannot draw diagrams. However, I can help you visualize the information.

Given the information:

- Quadrilateral ABCD inscribed in circle E
- m∠AB = 54 degrees
- m∠BC = 115 degrees
- m∠CD = 86 degrees

To find the angles in the quadrilateral:

Since ABCD is inscribed in a circle, opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral add up to 180 degrees.

m∠AB + m∠CD = 180
54 + 86 = 140

Therefore, m∠BC + m∠AD = 180
115 + m∠AD = 180
m∠AD = 65 degrees

So the correct statement would be mAD=115 degrees.