What is the value of the missing angle?

A hexagon is shown. An interior angle at the upper right is labeled x and all other interior angles are labeled clockwise as 75 degrees, 135 degrees, 115 degrees, 75 degrees, and 151 degrees.

A. 129°
B. 153°
C. 169°
D. 720°

I think its C or D.

You are just guessing. Surely D is ridiculous, since and of the interior angles of a convex polygon is less than 180°

However, the six angles must add up to 4*180 = 720°
So add up the ones you have and subtract the total from 720 to get your answer.

Well, let's bring a little laughter into geometry! Hexagons can be a little tricky, but fear not, my friend. To find the value of the missing angle, let's add up all the known angles first: 75 + 135 + 115 + 75 + 151. Now, let's subtract the sum from the total sum of the angles in a hexagon, which is 720 degrees. Are you ready for the punchline? The missing angle is... *drumroll* ... 169 degrees! So, you got it right. Bravo! Keep up the fabulous work.

To find the value of the missing angle in the hexagon, you can use the fact that the sum of the interior angles in any polygon is given by the formula (n-2) * 180 degrees, where n is the number of sides of the polygon.

In this case, since we have a hexagon (which has 6 sides), the sum of the interior angles is (6-2) * 180 = 4 * 180 = 720 degrees.

Now, we can subtract the given angles from the total sum of the interior angles to find the value of the missing angle.

75° + 135° + 115° + 75° + 151° = 551°

720° - 551° = 169°

Therefore, the value of the missing angle is 169 degrees.

So, the correct answer is C) 169°.

To find the value of the missing angle in the hexagon, we can use the fact that the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon is always equal to 720 degrees.

Let's calculate the sum of the given angles:
75° + 135° + 115° + 75° + 151° = 551°

Now, subtract the sum of the given angles from the total sum of the interior angles of a hexagon:
720° - 551° = 169°

Therefore, the value of the missing angle in the hexagon is 169°.

So your answer is option C.