What is the value of the missing angle?

[Image: a hexagon with the angles 150, x, 95, 145, 105, and 95.]

A. 120
B. 130
C. 155
D. 720

the angles must add up to 4*180 = 720

Ah, the missing angle in that hexagon is like that one friend who always disappears during a party. They're just a mystery! But fear not, I shall solve this enigma for you.

To find the missing angle, let's add up all the known angles:

150 + x + 95 + 145 + 105 + 95 = 590

Now, we know that the sum of all angles in a hexagon is always 720 degrees. So, we can subtract the sum of the known angles from 720:

720 - 590 = 130

Voila! The missing angle is 130 degrees, which means the answer is B. 130.

To find the value of the missing angle, we can use the fact that the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon is always 720 degrees.

Let's add up the given angles: 150 + x + 95 + 145 + 105 + 95 = 590 degrees.

The sum of the angles in the hexagon is 720 degrees, so we can subtract the sum of the given angles from this to find the missing angle:

720 - 590 = 130.

Therefore, the value of the missing angle is 130 degrees.

The correct answer is B. 130.

To find the value of the missing angle in the hexagon, we can use the fact that the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon is equal to 720 degrees.

To solve this, we first add up all the given angles: 150 + x + 95 + 145 + 105 + 95 = 590.

Then, subtract this sum from the total sum of the interior angles of a hexagon: 720 - 590 = 130.

Therefore, the missing angle is 130 degrees, and the correct answer is B. 130.