evaluate: 3x(9-6)+(2x3)

To evaluate this expression, we will first simplify the terms inside the parentheses and then perform the operations according to the order of operations (parentheses first).

3x(9-6) + (2x3)
= 3x(3) + 6
= 9x + 6

Therefore, the simplified expression is 9x + 6.

the answer is a whole number no ta equation

Apologies for that. Let's simplify the expression further:

3x(9-6) + (2x3)
= 3x(3) + 6
= 9x + 6

Now, let's evaluate the expression:

9x + 6

If we assume that x is a whole number (let's say x = 1), then:

9(1) + 6 = 9 + 6 = 15

Therefore, if x is a whole number, the evaluated expression is 15.