Write an essay (intended for 8th grade) about the following prompt.

"How did immigration affect immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900?"

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, immigration had a significant impact on both immigrants and native-born Americans in the United States. During this time period, millions of immigrants arrived in the country in search of better opportunities and a chance at a new life. These immigrants came from various countries in Europe, such as Italy, Ireland, and Germany, as well as from Asia, particularly China and Japan.

For immigrants, the journey to America was often long and arduous, and many arrived with very little money or possessions. Upon their arrival, they faced discrimination and prejudice from native-born Americans who viewed them as inferior and a threat to their jobs and way of life. Immigrants had to navigate a new language, culture, and social norms, making assimilation a difficult and sometimes daunting task.

Despite these challenges, many immigrants found success in America and were able to improve their lives and the lives of their families. They took on jobs in industries such as textiles, mining, and agriculture, and worked hard to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Immigrants also contributed to the cultural, social, and economic fabric of the country, bringing with them their customs, traditions, and skills.

On the other hand, native-born Americans were also impacted by the influx of immigrants around the year 1900. Some felt threatened by the growing number of immigrants and the changes they brought to American society. Anti-immigrant sentiment and xenophobia led to the enactment of laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Immigration Act of 1924, which limited the number of immigrants allowed into the country and discriminated against certain ethnic groups.

However, many Americans also recognized the contributions immigrants made to the country and the value they added to American society. Immigrants brought with them new ideas, perspectives, and ways of life that enriched the cultural landscape of the United States. They also played a vital role in the growth and development of the American economy, helping to build cities, expand industries, and create jobs.

In conclusion, immigration in the early 20th century had a profound impact on both immigrants and native-born Americans. While immigrants faced challenges and obstacles in their quest for a better life, they also found opportunities for success and prosperity in America. Native-born Americans grappled with the changes brought about by immigration, but also benefited from the diverse perspectives and contributions of newcomers. Ultimately, immigration around the year 1900 helped shape the social, cultural, and economic landscape of the United States and continues to influence the country to this day.