Describe the situation of affordable and clean energy in Mozambique

In Mozambique, access to affordable and clean energy remains a challenge for the majority of the population. The country relies heavily on hydropower for electricity generation, but frequent droughts and climate change have led to disruptions in power supply. This has resulted in unreliable electricity access, particularly in rural areas.

The lack of access to clean energy sources such as electricity has also led to widespread use of traditional biomass for cooking and heating, which contributes to deforestation and indoor air pollution. Many households in Mozambique rely on inefficient and polluting energy sources such as charcoal and firewood, which have negative impacts on both public health and the environment.

To address these challenges, the government of Mozambique has made efforts to promote renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. The country has significant potential for solar energy generation, and several projects have been launched to increase access to clean energy in rural areas.

However, the high initial costs of renewable energy technology remain a barrier to widespread adoption. Additionally, limited infrastructure and financial resources have hindered the development of a reliable and sustainable energy sector in Mozambique.

Overall, while progress has been made in expanding access to clean energy in Mozambique, there is still a long way to go to ensure affordable and sustainable energy for all. The government and international partners will need to continue investing in renewable energy infrastructure and promoting policies that prioritize clean energy access for all citizens.