The area of a windscreen of the bus is 1.21m².in a photograph of a bus the windscreen appears as a rectangle 12cm by 3cm .find the length and breadth of of real windscreen

To solve this problem, we first need to convert the dimensions given in centimeters to meters.

The length of the windscreen in meters is 12cm converted to meters is 0.12m.
The width of the windscreen in meters is 3cm converted to meters is 0.03m.

Now, we can calculate the area of the real windscreen using the formula for the area of a rectangle:

Area = length x width
Area = 0.12m x 0.03m
Area = 0.0036m²

Now, we know that the area of the real windscreen is 1.21m². To find the length and breadth (width) of the real windscreen, we can set up a proportion:

0.0036m² is to 0.12m as 1.21m² is to x:

0.0036m² / 0.12m = 1.21m² / x

x = (1.21m² * 0.12m) / 0.0036m²
x = 4.04m

Therefore, the length of the real windscreen is 4.04m. The width of the real windscreen can be found in a similar manner, considering its original length in relation to the photo.