The walkers and the Baldwin families ordered lunch at the refreshment stand at the basketball game. The walkers ordered 4 hotdogs and 3 cheeseburgers and paid $23.75. The Baldwin family ordered 6 hotdogs and 2 cheeseburgers and paid $25. Write a system of equations using h for hotdogs and c for cheeseburgers. What are the prices of a hotdog and a cheeseburger

Let h be the price of a hotdog and c be the price of a cheeseburger.

From the information given, we can write two equations:

4h + 3c = 23.75 (for the Walkers)
6h + 2c = 25 (for the Baldwins)

Now we can solve this system of equations:

Multiplying the first equation by 2 and the second equation by 3, we get:
8h + 6c = 47.50
18h + 6c = 75

Subtracting the first new equation from the second new equation, we get:
10h = 27.50
h = 2.75

Plugging this value back into the first original equation:
4(2.75) + 3c = 23.75
11 + 3c = 23.75
3c = 12.75
c = 4.25

Therefore, a hotdog costs $2.75 and a cheeseburger costs $4.25.