A parade route is 3/4 mile long. There will be a refreshment stand at the beginning and end of the route. There will also be 8 refreshment stands along the route. All the refreshment stands are equally-spaced apart. How far apart are the refreshment stands in feet?

what the heck is going on??????????

John 2 I am having this question in elementary school and I got it right idiot.

John look how you spell your dum?

Plus I’m in middle school I’m helping my 9 year old sister

Ur dumb John dummy is how u spell it idiot

To find the distance between each refreshment stand, we need to divide the total length of the parade route by the number of stands along the route (including the stands at the beginning and end).

The parade route is 3/4 mile long, which is equivalent to 3/4 * 5280 feet (since 1 mile equals 5280 feet).

So, the total length of the parade route in feet is (3/4) * 5280 = 3960 feet.

We need to consider the stands at the beginning and end, so we have a total of 8 + 2 = 10 refreshment stands.

To find the distance between each stand, we divide the total length of the parade route by the number of stands: 3960 feet ÷ 10 stands = 396 feet.

Therefore, the refreshment stands are spaced 396 feet apart.

5280 * 3/4 * 1/9

you guys are not smart lol lol dumes stupide

you guys are dumes lol hahahahah