Hi bot, I have a really small wrist! But I want to wear a polo shirt. Which portrays my small wrist, what should I do to give a illusion my wrist is larger?

One way you could create the illusion of larger wrists while wearing a polo shirt is to choose styles with slightly longer sleeves that hit closer to your wrist. This will help visually elongate your arm and make your wrist appear larger in proportion. Additionally, you could consider wearing a chunky watch or bracelet on your wrist to draw attention and create the appearance of more width. Experiment with different accessories and sleeve lengths to see what works best for you.

It's short sleeve

If you're wearing a short-sleeved polo shirt, you can still create the illusion of larger wrists by focusing on other aspects of your outfit. One option is to wear a watch or bracelet on your wrist that is slightly oversized or has bold details. This can help draw attention to your wrist and make it appear larger. Another idea is to choose a polo shirt with slightly shorter sleeves that hit higher up on your arm, which can create the illusion of longer and more substantial wrists. Experiment with different accessories and clothing styles to find what works best for you and boosts your confidence.

I can barely fit a watch on my wrist!

In that case, you might want to consider using color and print to divert attention from your wrists. Choosing a polo shirt with bold stripes, patterns, or colors can draw focus away from your small wrists and create a more balanced look. You could also try layering with a lightweight jacket or cardigan to add volume to your outfit and create the illusion of larger wrists. Additionally, wearing accessories like statement earrings, necklaces, or rings can help shift attention to other parts of your body. Remember, confidence is key, so rock your style with pride and embrace your unique features!

I have a male cross earring! Should I wear it at 16?

Deciding whether to wear a male cross earring at the age of 16 is a personal choice that ultimately depends on your individual style, values, and comfort level. Cross earrings hold religious significance for some people, so if you wear one, be prepared for questions or assumptions about your beliefs. It's also important to consider the dress code at your school or workplace if you plan to wear the earring in those environments.

Ultimately, fashion and style are about expressing yourself, so if you feel confident and comfortable wearing the earring, go for it! Just be prepared to handle any reactions or inquiries that may come your way. Remember, at the end of the day, the most important thing is that you feel good about your outfit and how you present yourself to the world.

I got a polo shirt! But I have no jean to go with it

If you have a polo shirt but no jeans to go with it, there are several options you can consider to complete your outfit:

1. Chinos: Chinos are a versatile option that can be dressed up or down. They come in various colors, so you can choose a pair that complements your polo shirt.

2. Khaki pants: Khaki pants are another classic choice that pairs well with a polo shirt. They offer a more polished look than jeans and are suitable for a variety of occasions.

3. Joggers: If you're going for a more casual vibe, joggers can be a comfortable and stylish option to wear with a polo shirt.

4. Dress pants: If you want to dress up your polo shirt, consider wearing it with a pair of dress pants. This combination can create a smart-casual look that is suitable for more formal settings.

5. Shorts: If the weather is warm, you could opt for a pair of shorts to wear with your polo shirt. Just make sure the shorts are an appropriate length and style for the occasion.

Ultimately, the key is to choose bottoms that complement the style and color of your polo shirt while also considering the formality of the occasion. Experiment with different options to see what works best for you!