People who live in deserts might dress in a certain way. What combo of clothing would be their best choice to wear?(1 point)


a ball cap with short pants and shirt
a ball cap with short pants and shirt

loose fitting clothing and head protection
loose fitting clothing and head protection

all black clothing and head covering
all black clothing and head covering

fitted, colorful pants and shirt

loose fitting clothing and head protection

The best combo of clothing for people living in deserts would be loose fitting clothing and head protection.

The best choice of clothing for people living in deserts would be loose fitting clothing and head protection. This combination helps protect them from the extreme heat and harsh sun exposure in the desert environment.

The loose fitting clothing allows air to circulate around the body, helping to keep them cool. It also helps to prevent sweat from staying trapped against the skin, which can lead to discomfort and potentially heat-related illnesses.

Head protection, such as wide-brimmed hats or turbans, is essential to shield the face, neck, and head from direct sunlight. This helps prevent sunburn, sunstroke, and heat exhaustion.

While other options like a ball cap with short pants and shirt might provide partial protection, they are not as effective since they leave the arms and legs exposed to the intense desert sun. Additionally, wearing all black clothing and head covering can actually absorb more heat, making the person feel even hotter in the already blazing desert temperatures.

Therefore, loose fitting clothing and head protection are the best combo of clothing for people living in deserts to stay comfortable and protected from the harsh conditions.