Reno, a professional swimmer participated in 200m freestyle race. He completed the race in 1 minute 20 seconds. What was Renos speed in km/h?

To calculate Reno's speed in km/h, we first need to convert the time to hours.

1 minute = 1/60 hours
20 seconds = 20/3600 hours = 1/180 hours

Total time = 1/60 + 1/180 = 3/180 + 1/180 = 4/180 = 1/45 hours

Now, we can calculate Reno's speed in km/h by dividing the distance (200m) by the time (1/45 hours) and converting the result to km/h.

Speed = 200m / (1/45 hours) = 200 * 45 / 1 = 9000 meters per hour
Speed = 9000 meters per hour * 1 kilometer / 1000 meters = 9 km/h

Therefore, Reno's speed in the 200m freestyle race was 9 km/h.