Use the table to answer the question.

Preference 7th Graders 8th Graders
Prefers Cats 36 22
Prefers Dogs 8 26
No Preference 2 6
What is the relative frequency of students who prefer dogs who are 7th graders? Round the percentage to the nearest tenth.

To find the relative frequency of 7th graders who prefer dogs, we need to divide the number of 7th graders who prefer dogs by the total number of 7th graders.

The total number of 7th graders is 36 (prefers cats) + 8 (prefers dogs) + 2 (no preference) = 46.

Thus, the relative frequency of 7th graders who prefer dogs is 8/46 = 0.1739.

Converting this to a percentage, we get 0.1739 x 100 = 17.4%.

Therefore, the relative frequency of 7th graders who prefer dogs is 17.4%.