A furniture store delivers for $40 plus $0.75 for every mile they have to travel from the store. Which function represents the cost for delivery, c(m), given the distance from the store, m, in miles, and how much does delivery cost for someone who lives 60 miles from the store?


c(m) = 40 + m

c(m) = 40.75 + m

c(m) = 40 + 0.75m

c(m) = 40.75 + 0.75m

The correct function is C(m) = 40 + 0.75m, which corresponds to option C.

To find out how much delivery costs for someone who lives 60 miles from the store, we substitute m = 60 into the function:

C(60) = 40 + 0.75(60)
C(60) = 40 + 45
C(60) = $85.00

So, delivery cost for someone who lives 60 miles from the store is $85.00.