A metal pole connects a horse's saddle to another pole in the middle of the corral. This set up allows to horse to safely walk in circles around the pole in the center. As the horse walks, a circle begins to form on the ground If the rod is approximately 2.5 yards long, what is the circumference of the circle on the ground? Use 3.14 for pi

a. 7.85 yards
b. 15.7 yards
c. 19.625 yards
d. 39.25 yards

b. 15.7 yards

The circumference of a circle can be calculated using the formula C = 2πr, where r is the radius of the circle.

Since the metal pole in this case is connecting the saddle to the center pole, it is essentially acting as the radius of the circle. The length of the metal pole is 2.5 yards.

Plugging this value into the formula, we get: C = 2 * 3.14 * 2.5 = 15.7 yards