Write 4 Spanish informal (tú) commands based on the following criteria: Two of your commands must tell someone to do household chores and the other two must be directions you would give while driving

write it like an 8th grader and write them in english to and in spanish

Household Chores:

1. Clean your room! ¡Limpia tu cuarto!
2. Wash the dishes! ¡Lava los platos!

Driving Directions:
1. Turn left at the next intersection! ¡Gira a la izquierda en el próximo cruce!
2. Stop at the red light! ¡Detente en el semáforo rojo!

they have to be tu commands

Household Chores:

1. Clean your room! ¡Limpia tu cuarto!
2. Wash the dishes! ¡Lava los platos!

Driving Directions:
1. Turn left at the next intersection! ¡Gira a la izquierda en el próximo cruce!
2. Stop at the red light! ¡Detente en el semáforo rojo!