Which kind of sentences give commands?

A. declarative

B. exclamatory

C. imperative

D. interrogative

C. imperative

Which tone might a lawyer use in court when delivering a speech?

A. informal

B. professional

C. friendly

D. confused

B. professional

The kind of sentence that gives commands is a C. imperative sentence.

To identify an imperative sentence, you can look for the following characteristics:

1. Missing subject: Most imperative sentences omit the subject. They are typically directed at someone being commanded, such as "Go to your room" or "Clean your desk."
2. Use of base form verbs: Imperatives often use the base form of the verb (infinitive) without any auxiliary verbs. For example, "Eat your vegetables" or "Turn off the lights."
3. Use of strong verbs: Imperatives often use strong verbs that indicate action or give a direct command, such as "Stop," "Run," or "Listen."

By observing these features, you can identify imperative sentences that give commands.