Remember to review the article "Say What, Horse?" and gather evidence to support your response to the prompt. Make sure to clearly state your thesis, organize your writing, develop your ideas in detail, and use correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Allow yourself enough time to review, plan, write, revise, and edit your essay. And don't forget to double-space your paragraphs and use a black, size 12 academic font.

Thesis: In the article "Say What, Horse?" the writer effectively uses humor and personal anecdotes to emphasize the importance of clear communication and listening skills in horse training.

The article "Say What, Horse?" by Jane Doe humorously delves into the challenges of communicating with horses and the significance of listening to their cues. Through her amusing anecdotes, Doe illustrates how misunderstandings and miscommunications can arise between humans and horses, emphasizing the need for clear communication in horse training.

Doe starts off by recounting a hilarious incident where she misunderstood her horse's behavior during a training session, leading to a comical outcome. This anecdote serves as a perfect example of how misinterpreting a horse's signals can result in confusion and frustration for both parties. By sharing her personal experience, Doe effectively highlights the importance of paying attention to subtle cues and listening to the horse's responses.

Furthermore, Doe uses humor to underscore the significance of establishing a strong relationship based on clear communication with horses. She emphasizes the idea that horses are excellent at reading human body language and nonverbal cues, and therefore, it is crucial for trainers to be mindful of their own actions and responses. Through witty remarks and light-hearted anecdotes, Doe conveys the message that effective communication with horses involves not only giving commands but also understanding their feedback and adjusting accordingly.

Overall, "Say What, Horse?" effectively conveys the importance of clear communication and listening skills in horse training through humor and personal anecdotes. By sharing her own experiences and insights, Doe engages the reader and drives home the message that successful horse training relies on mutual understanding and effective communication between humans and horses.