Write a well-organized informational composition that uses specific evidence from the article “Say What, Horse?” by jessica hass to support your answer to the following prompt: Explain what new research reveals about horses’ ability to communicate.

Remember to:

clearly state your thesis
organize your writing
develop your ideas in detail
use evidence from the selection in your response
use correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar

Manage your time carefully so that you can:

review the selection
plan your response
write your response
revise and edit your response

Thesis: New research reveals that horses have a remarkable ability to communicate with humans through a variety of vocalizations and body language.

In the article "Say What, Horse?" by Jessica Hass, the author discusses how horses use different vocal and non-verbal signals to communicate with humans. One of the key findings of the research mentioned in the article is that horses have a rich repertoire of vocalizations that they use to convey different messages. For example, snorting and blowing may signal excitement or playfulness, while and whinny may indicate calmness or distress.

Furthermore, the research also shows that horses are highly attuned to human body language and can interpret subtle cues from their handlers. This ability to respond to human signals suggests a level of cognitive sophistication that was previously underestimated in horses.

Another interesting revelation from the research is that horses rely on their visual communication skills to establish dominance and maintain social hierarchy within their herds. By using body postures, facial expressions, and ear movements, horses are able to communicate their intentions and emotions to other members of the herd.

Overall, the research presented in the article highlights the complex and nuanced ways in which horses communicate with humans and each other. These findings challenge the traditional view of horses as mere passive creatures and reveal a deeper understanding of their social and cognitive abilities.

In conclusion, the new research on horses' communication abilities sheds light on the intricate ways in which horses interact with humans and their surroundings. By studying their vocalizations, body language, and social dynamics, we can gain a better appreciation for the rich inner lives of these magnificent creatures.