Enforcing strict limits on the amount of water pump from the aquifer would be a useful tool for reducing risk of them running dry

. By implementing regulations on water usage, either through permit systems or metering systems, it would be possible to ensure that the aquifer is being used sustainably and that water levels are maintained at a healthy level. Additionally, enforcing these limits would also discourage excessive water usage and promote more efficient water management practices.

Furthermore, enforcing strict limits on water pumping from the aquifer would help protect the quality of the water source. Over-pumping can lead to saltwater intrusion, which can contaminate the aquifer and make the water unsuitable for drinking or irrigation purposes. By imposing limits on pumping, it would be possible to prevent such negative impacts and preserve the overall health of the aquifer.

Overall, enforcing strict limits on water pumping from the aquifer is a crucial step in ensuring the long-term sustainability of this valuable resource. By carefully managing water usage and implementing regulations to prevent over-exploitation, we can help protect the aquifer for future generations.