john brown 4 key terms

1. Abolitionist: John Brown was a dedicated abolitionist who believed in the immediate end of slavery in the United States. He was a vocal critic of the institution of slavery and took radical actions to fight against it.

2. Raid on Harpers Ferry: In 1859, John Brown led a raid on the federal armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, with the goal of starting a slave insurrection. The raid ultimately failed, and Brown was captured, tried, and executed for his actions.

3. Pottawatomie Massacre: In 1856, John Brown and his followers carried out a brutal attack on pro-slavery settlers in Pottawatomie, Kansas. This event, known as the Pottawatomie Massacre, marked a turning point in the violent conflict between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in Kansas.

4. Martyr: Despite his controversial methods and violent actions, John Brown came to be seen as a martyr for the abolitionist cause. His willingness to sacrifice his own life for the fight against slavery made him a symbol of resistance and inspiration for many abolitionists and supporters of civil rights.