Who were the key figures that played a significant role in education during the Protestant Reformation?

a. Thomas Cranmer and John Knox
b. John Calvin and Thomas Jefferson
c. Martin Luther and John Calvin
d. Martin Luther and Robert Burns

c. Martin Luther and John Calvin

The correct answer is c. Martin Luther and John Calvin.

The key figures that played a significant role in education during the Protestant Reformation were Martin Luther and John Calvin, so the correct answer is option c. Martin Luther and John Calvin.

To arrive at this answer, you can start by understanding the context of the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant Reformation was a movement in the 16th century that aimed to reform the Roman Catholic Church. One of the central ideas of the Reformation was the emphasis on individual interpretation of the Bible. This led to a desire for education and literacy among the masses, as people wanted to read the Bible for themselves.

Martin Luther, a German monk, theologian, and key figure of the Reformation, played a significant role in educational reforms. He believed that education should be accessible to all, not just the clergy, and advocated for compulsory education for boys and girls. Luther also wrote many educational works, including textbooks, on various subjects such as grammar, mathematics, and theology.

John Calvin, a French theologian, pastor, and reformer, also emphasized the importance of education. He established a system of education that aimed to provide both religious and academic training to children. Calvin's educational ideas were influential in Geneva, where he led the Reformation. The Genevan Academy, founded by Calvin, later became the University of Geneva and spread his educational principles throughout Europe.

Therefore, understanding the historical context of the Protestant Reformation and the emphasis on education, we can conclude that Martin Luther and John Calvin were the key figures who played a significant role in education during that time.