ty has 5 goats and 19 carrots how many carrots does ty give each goat how many carrots are left

If Ty gives each goat an equal number of carrots, we can divide the total number of carrots (19) by the number of goats (5) to find out how many carrots each goat gets.

19 carrots / 5 goats = 3.8

So, each goat would get 3 carrots. Since we can't give a fraction of a carrot, Ty would give each goat 3 carrots, and there would be 4 carrots left over.

mr. lin has 10 baseball his gym class makes 4 how many basesball does lin give each team how many basesball are left

If Mr. Lin has 10 baseballs and his gym class makes 4 teams, we can divide the total number of baseballs by the number of teams to find out how many baseballs each team gets.

10 baseballs / 4 teams = 2.5

Since we can't give half of a baseball, Mr. Lin would give each team 2 baseballs. After giving each team their baseballs, there would be 2 baseballs left over.

zoe has 14 strawberries to put in 3 lunch bags bags how many berries does zoe put in each bag how many berries

To calculate how many strawberries Zoe puts in each lunch bag, we need to divide the total number of strawberries by the number of lunch bags.

14 strawberries / 3 bags = 4.66

We can't have a fraction of a strawberry, so Zoe would put 4 strawberries in each lunch bag. After distributing the strawberries equally, Zoe would have 2 strawberries remaining.