Write a paragraph about what items to bring when your going back in time to the Cambrian period.

When travelling back to the Cambrian period, it is important to bring along essential items to ensure your safety and survival in this ancient and unknown environment. Firstly, it is crucial to pack sturdy hiking boots to navigate the rugged and unfamiliar terrain. Additionally, bring a durable and waterproof backpack to carry important supplies such as food, water, and first aid kit. It is also recommended to have protective clothing such as gloves, a hat, and sunglasses to shield yourself from the intense sunlight and potential hazards. Other essential items to bring include a map or GPS device, a flashlight or headlamp for visibility in dark caves or tunnels, and a multi-tool for various tasks. Lastly, do not forget to pack a camera to capture unforgettable moments and document your incredible journey back in time to the Cambrian period.