What type of sentence is the following sentence?

Even though we put garlic everywhere, we knew the vampire would be back, and this time he would bring friends.

Even though we put garlic everywhere, = dependent clause

we knew the vampire would be back, = independent clause
and this time he would bring friends. = independent clause

Let me know what you decide.

h ttps://style.mla.org/types-of-sentences/

This sentence is a compound-complex sentence, just like a vampire with garlic breath - it's got multiple clauses, just like the vampire's entourage!

The given sentence is a complex sentence.

The following sentence is a complex sentence.

To identify the type of sentence, we need to look at the structure and the presence of dependent and independent clauses. In this sentence, there are two independent clauses:
- "Even though we put garlic everywhere, we knew the vampire would be back."
- "And this time he would bring friends."

The first independent clause, "Even though we put garlic everywhere, we knew the vampire would be back," sets up a condition or situation. It indicates the action of putting garlic everywhere and the expectation that the vampire will return.

The second independent clause, "And this time he would bring friends," adds additional information about what will happen when the vampire returns.

To connect these two independent clauses, we use a coordinating conjunction "and." This conjunction signals that both ideas in the sentence are of equal importance.

Therefore, the sentence is a complex sentence because it contains two independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction.