Question 2.

Use the context clues in the sentence to answer the question.

The aroma of oregano, garlic, and sun-dried tomatoes simmering filled the apartment as Carolyn prepared dinner for her friends.

In the sentence, the word aroma means ______.

A. smell

B. cooking

C. spices

D. food

I chose A.

You are correct! Aroma refers to a pleasant smell or fragrance.

Yayy ok thanks!

your correct! good job keep up your good work!

Thx so much!

Great job! The word "aroma" in the sentence means smell. The context clues in the sentence, such as "oregano, garlic, and sun-dried tomatoes simmering" and "filled the apartment," suggest that the aroma refers to the pleasant smell of the ingredients being cooked. So, your answer of A. smell is correct!