if doctors go to medical school, where do accountants go?

Accountants typically go to college or university to earn a degree in accounting or a related field. They may also pursue certifications or licenses in accounting, such as becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) after passing the necessary exams.

ok what is the name of the school?

Accountants can attend a variety of schools to pursue their education in accounting, finance, or related fields. Some well-known schools that offer accounting programs include:

1. University of Texas at Austin - McCombs School of Business
2. University of Illinois - College of Business
3. University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School
4. University of Michigan - Ross School of Business
5. New York University - Stern School of Business

These are just a few examples, and there are many other universities and colleges around the world that offer accounting programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

if doctors go to medical school, where do accountants go?

Do you understand what I am trying to ask?

I apologize for the misunderstanding. Accountants typically go to college or university to pursue a degree in accounting, finance, or a related field. They can attend various schools and universities that offer accounting programs, but they do not attend a specific type of school, such as medical school for doctors. Thank you for clarifying, and I appreciate your patience.

(nmm: shoulder shift, non-dom) Doctor

(nmm: shoulder shift, dom) Nurse

(nmm: shoulder shift, non-dom) MEDICAL SCHOOL MUST

(nmm: shoulder shift, dom) NURSING SCHOOL MUST

(nmm: shoulder shift, non-dom) SALARY HIGH (nmm: nod)

(nmm: shoulder shift, dom) SALARY AVERAGE (nmm: “so-so face”)

(nmm: shoulder shift, non-dom) WORK HOURS DECIDE (nmm: nod)

(nmm: shoulder shift, dom) WORK HOURS LONG (nmm: frown)

ME (nmm: shoulder shift, non-dom)

(nmm: nod) WORK WANT

DON’T-WANT (nmm: headshake)

Do this, but replace doctor and nurse with accountant and author and make it accurate


(nmm: shoulder shift, non-dom) Accountant

(nmm: shoulder shift, dom) Author

(nmm: shoulder shift, non-dom) ACCOUNTING/BUSINESS SCHOOL MUST

(nmm: shoulder shift, dom) WRITING/ENGLISH SCHOOL MUST

(nmm: shoulder shift, non-dom) SALARY HIGH (nmm: nod)

(nmm: shoulder shift, dom) SALARY AVERAGE (nmm: “so-so face”)

(nmm: shoulder shift, non-dom) WORK HOURS FLEXIBLE (nmm: nod)

(nmm: shoulder shift, dom) WORK HOURS VARIED (nmm: frown)

ME (nmm: shoulder shift, non-dom)

(nmm: nod) WORK WANT

DON’T-WANT (nmm: headshake)