Weakness of confederal…

1. Lack of Centralized Authority: One of the main weaknesses of a confederal system is the lack of a strong central authority. This can lead to difficulties in making decisions, coordinating actions, and enforcing laws across the member states.

2. Difficulty in Creating and Implementing Uniform Policies: In a confederal system, it can be challenging to create and implement uniform policies across all member states. This can lead to inconsistencies in laws, regulations, and practices, which can create confusion and inefficiencies.

3. Conflict and Disputes: Without a strong central authority to mediate disputes and conflicts between member states, confederal systems may face challenges in resolving disagreements and maintaining peace and stability.

4. Potential for Fragmentation: In some cases, confederal systems can lead to the fragmentation of member states, as individual states may pursue their own interests and priorities at the expense of the overall unity and cohesion of the confederation.

5. Vulnerability to External Threats: A confederal system may be more vulnerable to external threats, as member states may not always act in unison to protect the confederation as a whole. This can weaken the overall security and defense capabilities of the confederation.