The following Free Response question has two parts.

Name two weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. For each weakness explain how that weakness led to the writing of the US Constitution.
Formal your answer as follow:
1. Naming the first weakness, then the explanation of how that weakness led to the writing of the US Constitution. (in 2 sentences)
2. Naming the second weakness, then explanation of how that weakness led to the writing of the US Constitution. ( in 2 sentences)

1. One weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the lack of centralized power, which led to difficulty in enforcing laws and resolving disputes between states. This weakness prompted the writing of the US Constitution, as it resulted in the need for a stronger central government that could effectively govern and mediate conflicts between the states.

2. Another weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the inability to levy taxes, which hindered the federal government's ability to generate revenue and fund essential operations. This weakness ultimately led to the writing of the US Constitution, as it necessitated the establishment of a system that granted the federal government the power to levy taxes and ensure financial stability for the nation.

1. One weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the lack of a strong central government, which led to difficulties in making and enforcing laws. This weakness was evident in the inability of the national government to effectively regulate trade and collect taxes, prompting the need for a Constitution that established a more powerful federal government capable of addressing these issues.

2. Another weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the absence of a unified system of currency or a national banking system. This created economic chaos and hindered interstate commerce. To address this weakness, the US Constitution granted the federal government the authority to establish a national currency and regulate interstate trade, thus providing a more stable and organized economic system.