A wedge of cheese is shaped like a triangular prism. How much plastic wrap is needed to cover the wedge of cheese? 9cm 5cm 13cm and 12cm is the length of the cheese

Georgia Milestones Grade 7 Mathematics Formula Sheet

(1 point)

287 centimeters squared
287 centimeters squared

330 centimeters squared
330 centimeters squared

810 centimeters squared
810 centimeters squared

240 centimeters squared
240 centimeters squared
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To calculate the surface area of the wedge of cheese, we need to find the area of each of the five faces: the three rectangular faces and the two triangular faces.

The three rectangular faces will have the dimensions 9cm x 5cm, 9cm x 13cm, and 5cm x 13cm. The area of each rectangular face is 45cm², 117cm², and 65cm², respectively.

The two triangular faces will have the dimensions 5cm x 12cm and 9cm x 12cm. To find the area of a triangle, we use the formula 1/2 * base * height. The area of the two triangular faces is 30cm² and 54cm², respectively.

Adding the areas of all five faces together, we get:
45cm² + 117cm² + 65cm² + 30cm² + 54cm² = 311cm²

Therefore, the correct answer is not listed in the provided responses.