A wedge of cheese is shaped like a triangular prism. How much plastic wrap is needed to cover the wedge of cheese?

To calculate the amount of plastic wrap needed to cover the wedge of cheese, we need to calculate the surface area of the triangular prism.

The surface area of a triangular prism can be calculated by finding the area of each of the five faces, namely the two triangular bases and three rectangular sides, and then summing them up.

Let's assume the dimensions of the cheese wedge are as follows:
- Length of the base of the triangle (b) = 10 cm
- Height of the triangle (h) = 8 cm
- Length of the prism (l) = 15 cm

1. The area of one triangular base = 0.5 * b * h
= 0.5 * 10 * 8
= 40 square cm

2. The area of both triangular bases = 2 * 40
= 80 square cm

3. The area of the three sides (rectangles) can be calculated as follows:
- The area of one side = b * l
= 10 * 15
= 150 square cm

- The area of all three sides = 3 * 150
= 450 square cm

Therefore, the total surface area of the triangular prism = 80 + 450
= 530 square cm

So, you would need approximately 530 square cm of plastic wrap to cover the wedge of cheese.