The school that Heather goes to is selling tickets to the annual dance competition. On the first day of ticket sales the school sold 10 adults tickets and 8 child tickets. The school took in $123 on the second day by selling 9 adult tickets and 8 child tickets. Find the price of an adult ticket and the price of a child ticket

Let's denote the price of an adult ticket as A and the price of a child ticket as C.

From the given information, we can form the following equations:

10A + 8C = 123 (equation 1)
9A + 8C = 123 (equation 2)

Subtracting equation 2 from equation 1, we get:
10A - 9A = 0
A = 123 - 123 = 0

Substitute the value of A back into equation 1:
10(0) + 8C = 123
8C = 123
C = 123/8
C = 15.375

Therefore, the price of an adult ticket is $0 and the price of a child ticket is $15.375. (Since we can't have a price of $0 for a ticket, there seems to be an error in the information provided)

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